Journal Details

  • Independent Journal of Management and Production

    Publisher Independent
    E-ISSN 2236-269x
    Print ISSN No
    Chief Editor Paulo Cesar Chagas Rodrigues
    Contact email
    Address Av. Itália, 66, Apto. 15, Jardim Europa, Avaré, SP, Brasil CEP:18707-800
    Country Brazil
    Impact Factor Or Status Awaiting
    Journal Description

    The IJMandP is a journal for unpublished works related to Administration and Engineering of Production and Mechanics and Economics as well as works that present results of studies and researches about the activities of Science and Technology Information. The Journal is published on a semester-by-semester basis in June and December. The material submitted to this journal should be unpublished and, therefore it must not have been published or submitted to meetings or to other periodic. The article should effectively represent contribution within the area and discuss about a relevant topic. The theoretical basis should be up-to-date and should represent the state-of-the-art of the knowledge in the area. The scientific method should be explicited and the analyses and conclusions should be clear and lined up to the considered objective. Works that involve pure bibliography revision should deal with a current thematic and the approach should be deepened and analytical. The IJMandP publishes works in English.

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    Accessibility Type (Free/Paid)


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    Starting Year of the Journal


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    Content Accessibility (Full Text/Abstract/ Table of Content)

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